Thursday, March 4, 2010

Extreme Prophetic?

Sadly, there are a small number of fringe-element Charismatic ministries today who claim to be operating in the "extreme prophetic" that are the very sort of devil-inspired ministries that give the Charismatic Church a bad name. They are a blight on the image of the 21st Century Post-Pentecostal Church that it must disown and distance itself from in order to reclaim its rich heritage and integrity.

As it stands, it is these few "bad apple" ministries that are spoiling the Charismatic barrel in the eyes of the world as well as the ecclesia as a whole. The Neo-Pentecostal church must begin to rise up to the place of spiritual maturity in which it begins to discipline itself. Every significant institution of society--whether it be the medical field, with the likes of the A.M.A. or the legal profession with its A.B.A., and so forth--have had to come to the realization that it must regulate or govern itself if it is to maintain the integrity and even the longevity of the institution. Both Houses of the U.S. Congress governs itself, with measures built into the rules and procedures for sanctioning or disciplining of unruly members. The time has come for the institution of similar measures in the Neo-Pentecostal Ecclesia.

We must begin to "speak the truth in love." We must summon the fortitude to tell it like it is, call a spade a spade, identifying doctrinal error and demonically-inspired supernatural phenomena and exposing the deeds of darkness wherever it is found, including if where it is found is in "big name" or high-profile ministries that have by whatever means ascended to the ranks of the elite and the high and mighty that we all have afforded them. We have tolerated the existence of "rock star" status and persona far too long in the Charismatic Church and it's high time we began to tear down their altars and high places as the Old Testament prophets spoke on behalf of God concerning the pagan gods of their generations.

It's high time that the true prophets arise out of their lethargy and laying back in the woods to seize the axe of Samuel and begin to hack some of these Agags to pieces! That will be the "extreme prophetic!" And, I believe the day when we see more and more of that happening has already dawned!

The following article by Joyce Perdue has some great things to say about the "extreme" men and women who are needed in the church that Jesus is building today.